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A Dataframe is a lookup table like a spreadsheet with named columns and a primary key commonly used in data science. This is useful for retrieving values associated with the primary key like you would in a spreadsheet or database for eg.

John Doejohn.doe@example.com12345
Jane Smithjane.smith@example.com67890
Alice Johnsonalice.johnson@example.com24680
Bob Brownbob.brown@example.com13579

So if we use Name as our primary key then we would do something like

Initial variable setup:
my_dataframe = file("s3://dataframe.csv) -> csv_dataframe("Name")

dataframe_lookup("my_dataframe", "Bob Brown", "Email") -> ""

We may want to use ID as our primary key in which case we'd get something like

Initial variable setup:
my_dataframe = file("s3://dataframe.csv) -> csv_dataframe("ID")

dataframe_lookup("my_dataframe", "12345", "Email") -> ""



"type": "csv_dataframe",
"primary_key": "a field that's in the header row of your csv"

Transform lookup

"type": "dataframe_lookup",
"dataframe_name": "name of the variable previously setup",
"key": "primary key value",
"field": "field to be returned"

Note that the key or field values can contain variables using the embedded syntax so the key can be used dynamically for eg.

# Extract the customer name from a json response body
res_body -> json_path("") -> json_store("name")

# Then modify a subsequent request using that variable
req_body -> json_path("") -> dataframe_lookup("my_dataframe", "${{name}}", "ID")