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Capture Cluster Ingress Traffic

In some instances, it may be desirable to capture cluster ingress traffic. Doing so allows you the ability create snapshots consisting of traffic that potentially span multiple backend services and replay them with the intent of testing the environment as a whole (as compared to a per-service basis). The guide below will demonstrate how to do this specifically for clusters using ingress-nginx as their ingress controller.


  1. A cluster with the Speedscale operator installed and with ingress-nginx configured as its ingress controller
  2. TLS connections are terminated at the ingress-nginx controller

Install the Speedscale Sidecar

To begin, the Speedscale sidecar must be installed on the ingress controller deployment ingress-nginx-controller in the ingress-nginx namespace. Begin by creating a patch YAML file for the deployment with the following content:

name: ingress-nginx-controller
namespace: ingress-nginx
annotations: "true"

If the ingress controller makes requests to target workloads with an additional TLS connection, and you wish to have visibility into these requests, add the tls-out annotation to the patch:

name: ingress-nginx-controller
namespace: ingress-nginx
annotations: "true" "true"

During its normal operation, the ingress-nginx controller issues HTTP requests to itself via a request to localhost to perform status checks, obtain state information or configuration, and other actions via its own API. It will also make requests to the kubernetes API when Ingress resources are created, modified, or deleted. Both of these sets of traffic are generally not useful and can be excluded from capture:

name: ingress-nginx-controller
namespace: ingress-nginx
annotations: "true" "true" "kubernetes.default.svc" "true"

With nginx handling ingress TLS termination, the Speedscale sidecar must be further configured to support inbound TLS decryption, which requires specifying a certificate and key to use. Installations should have an existing secret named ingress-nginx-admission in the ingress-nginx namespace containing data in keys named ca, cert, and key. Modify the patch to add the tls-in annotations:

name: ingress-nginx-controller
namespace: ingress-nginx
annotations: "true" "true" "kubernetes.default.svc" "true" "ingress-nginx-admission" "key" "cert"

If the above secret is missing, one can easily be created with speedctl and kubectl:

speedctl create certs -o .
kubectl create -n ingress-nginx secret ingress-nginx-admission \
--from-file=key=tls.key \

We now have our complete patch. Save this to a file patch-deployment.yaml and apply it:

kubectl patch deployment -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller --patch-file patch-deployment.yaml

Note though that the deployment ingress-nginx-controller performs two different tasks. First, it performs nginx reverse proxying to targeted cluster resources based on Ingress definition rules (this operation contains the traffic that we are primarily interested in). Second, it serves as the target of a validating admission webhook named ingress-nginx-admission which is configured to be invoked for CREATE and UPDATE operations on Ingress reources. This means if we stopped after applying the patch, calls to the webhook would fail as it is being presented a certificate it is not configured to trust.

To prevent this, we need to patch the validating admission webhook to specify a caBundle value that contains the certificate the sidecar uses and presents to clients. First, get the base64 encoded value:

kubectl get -n ingress-nginx secret ingress-nginx-admission -o json | jq -r '.data["cert"]'

Then, copy this value and include in the following patch. Note, because the data we are patching is a list, we need to use a different patch format (replace CERT_VALUE with the base64 encoded certificate above):

"op": "add",
"path": "/webhooks/0/clientConfig/caBundle",
"value": "CERT_VALUE"

Save this to a file patch-webhook.json and apply it:

kubectl patch validatingwebhookconfiguration -n ingress-nginx-admission -type='json' -p="$(cat patch-webhook.json)"

With both patches applied, log in to the Speedscale UI and confirm the visibility of traffic rot the ingress-nginx-controller service that appears. You may need to manually issue a request to your cluster to observe any data.


Load tests can look a lot like a Denial of Service (DDOS) to your CDN. If you are attempting to play traffic back against your production ingress you may need to add the Speedscale generator to your CDN or firewall allow list. Your specific CDN may require a support ticket or other configuration. If the header X-Speedscale-Generator is present then the request was initiated by Speedscale and should be allowed.

Your CDN may have hints in their community similar to CloudFlare