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Capture a PCAP via the Sidecar


The Speedscale sidecar has a built in “diagnostics mode” that does a couple of useful things:

  1. Enables TRACE level logging
  2. Configures goproxy to create packet captures for all known interfaces in the container

To enable diagnostics mode, add the following annotation to the speedscale-goproxy container: "true"

When the workload restarts, you will see speedscale-goproxy logging messages that say something like starting diagnostic packet capture. There are also periodic log messages that show counts of the number of packets captured on each interface.

Obtaining PCAPs

PCAPs are all written into the /tmp directory in the speedscale-goproxy container. Each PCAP is named with the format goproxy-capture.<IFACE>.pcap where <IFACE> is the name of the network interface captured. Most installations will have the following captures:

  • goproxy-capture.eth0.pcap - all inbound/outbound pod traffic
  • goproxy-capture.lo.pcap - all traffic observed on the pod’s loopback interface
  • goproxy-capture.dns0.pcap - all DNS A record responses observed by the “smartdns” feature

Use kubectl cp in order to get the capture you need:

kubectl cp -n <NAMESPACE> -c speedscale-goproxy <POD_NAME>:/tmp/goproxy-capture.eth0.pcap goproxy-capture.eth0.pcap

Manually Enabling Capture Mode

If you need to turn on packet captures manually without the use of the above annotation, there are a few things that need to be updated for the speedscale-goproxy container:

  • add environment variable CAPTURE_PCAP=true
  • add sys capability NET_ADMIN
  • k8s only: add allowPrivilegeEscalation: true to goproxy container’s securityContext