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json_path flattens the current RRPair down to its JSON representation and then extracts data using a JSONPath locator and regular expression filter. You can see examples of RRPairs in JSON format by looking inside of your snapshot raw, action or reaction files. These files are what speedctl pull snapshot downloads to your local machine.

Certain special cases are supported that allow deep inspection inside of certain data types. For example, you can append<name> to your JSONPath to look "inside" a JWT. See full example below.


"type": "json_path",
"config": {
"path": "<JSON path to data>",
"regex": "<regular expression to use as a submatch filter>
  • path - A properly formatted JSON Path expression with a few extra features.
  • regex - (optional) a regular expression to be used as a submatch filter on the extracted value


Extract the Bearer token from the HTTP Authorization Header, then extract the name claim from inside the JWT:

"type": "json_path",
"config": {
"path": "",
"regex": "^(?i)Bearer (.*)(?-i)"