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Integrate Speedscale into your CI/CD workflow to enable high-velocity deployment with confidence.

Run Speedscale after your build and unit tests, but before deploying to production.

CI Pipeline

Adding anything to your CI/CD pipeline generally involves the same 3 steps:

  1. adding a step to your pipeline
  2. setting the right environment variables
  3. executing the right script to perform a desired action

Let's walk through these steps for Speedscale.


In order to integrate Speedscale into your CI/CD you will need:

Direct access to your Kubernetes cluster is optional.


Speedscale can also be run in Docker

The Pipeline


Every CI system has a different way of setting the PATH for actions, make sure ~/.speedscale is in the path after running the installer script.

The script can be implemented a few ways. Choose the one that makes the most sense for your environment.

version: "2.1"
kubernetes: circleci/kubernetes@1.3.1 # <--- if using kubectl - see below
- image: "cimg/python:3.10"
SERVICE: my-service # <--- Speedscale environment variables - see below
- kubernetes/install-kubectl: # <--- if using kubectl - see below
kubectl-version: << parameters.kubectl-version >>
- run:
command: |
export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.speedscale
./ # <--- Speedscale script - see below

See a full config.yml for more context.

The Environment

Set these environment variables to configure the replay, either in the script or through the CI/CD platform:

VariableExample ValueDescription
CLUSTERmy-clusterName of the cluster running the Speedscale Operator.
SERVICEmy-serviceService name as displayed at
NAMESPACEmy-nsKubernetes namespace where your service is running.
TEST_CONFIGstandardTest configuration defined at
SNAPSHOT_IDlatestUse the latest snapshot for this service.
TIMEOUT10mMaximum amount of time to wait for replay to complete.
BUILD_TAGv1.2.3Identifies the version of your service being tested.

The Script

Let's fill in the script shown above. Choose the implementation that makes the most sense for your environment.

If you do not have cluster access the replay can be started and validated with speedctl.

In addition to the other environment variables, your speedscale API key should be set (securely) for authentication:

VariableExample ValueDescription
SPEEDSCALE_API_KEY2ca17dbe5b3b7a4f15f926b83d1ed567a98d38a3e47beService account API key created from
#!/usr/bin/env sh

if [ -z "$SPEEDSCALE_API_KEY" ];then
echo "SPEEDSCALE_API_KEY is required"
exit 1

echo "installing speedctl"
sh -c "$(curl -Lfs"

echo "creating replay for service $SERVICE in cluster $CLUSTER in namespace $NAMESPACE"
REPORT_ID=$(speedctl infra replay "$SERVICE" \
--cluster "$CLUSTER" \
--namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
--test-config-id "$TEST_CONFIG" \
--snapshot-id "$SNAPSHOT_ID" \
--build-tag "$BUILD_TAG")

echo "waiting for replay with report ID $REPORT_ID to complete"
speedctl wait report "$REPORT_ID" \
--timeout "$TIMEOUT"

# exit script with the code from wait report command
exit $?

Need Help?

Let us know on the community Slack if instructions for your deploy system are not included here.