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proxymock does some pretty heavy duty work all from the command line. Using the cli, you can automate the creation of simulation environments, record new traffic, modify transactions and replay.

Install proxymock via Command Line


To install non interactively (like in CI/CD) set the SPEEDSCALE_API_KEY environment variable. This is an Enterprise feature.

proxymock can be easily installed via Homebrew:

brew install speedscale/tap/proxymock

Or via the install script:

sh -c "$(curl -Lfs"

You can inspect the install script to see what it does. Root permission is not required to execute this script.

If you need to Install a specific version, you can do so by passing it to the install script:

sh -c "$(curl -Lfs" -s v2.3.267

Optionally skip the install script and install manually:

# Download proxymock binary on your machine
curl "$(case $(uname -m) in x86_64) echo 'amd64';; arm | arm64 | aarch64) echo 'arm64';; esac)" -o proxymock

# Create speedscale directory and move the binary to the directory
mkdir ~/.speedscale
mv ./proxymock ~/.speedscale

# Give execute permission to the binary
chmod +x ~/.speedscale/proxymock

Don't forget to add proxymock to your $PATH variable in your shell's rcfile:

# substitute your shell's rcfile
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$HOME/.speedscale" >> ~/.zshrc

Install proxymock via VSCode (beta)

  1. Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows or Command+Shift+X on MacOS/Linux) in Visual Studio Code
  2. Search for proxymock
  3. Click install

The extension will install an additional command line tool called proxymock which is used to create and manage your mock servers. You don't need to manually install this, but you can learn more about it by checking out the manual instructions below.


The proxymock extension will re-use the existing Speedscale Enterprise installation if present.