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smart_replace_csv tells Speedscale AI to intelligently replace data in your traffic using a CSV of key=value pairs as a lookup table. The new values will be set wherever they appear in all future requests. By default, the first column is the original value and the second column is the replacement. No further action is required for replacements to happen in future requests, Speedscale will make the mapping automatically. Think of this like an unstructured global find/replace powered by a CSV lookup table.

As an example, let's assume the following CSV: example_csv

If we fed this CSV into smart_replace_csv it would cause all future occurrences of the REDACTED-... strings to be replaced with corresponding value in the New Value for Testing column on the same row. It does not matter where in your recorded traffic the values occur, they will be replaced. That includes query parameters, headers, SQL parameters, request bodies, etc.


"type": "smart_replace_csv",
"config": {
"headers": "<boolean>",
"existing": "<string>",
"new": "<string>",
"existingNum": "<number>",
"newNum": "<number>"
  • headers - optional, set to false if no column headers are present, defaults to true
  • existing - optional, for headers=true: name of the column to use as the existing value to serve as key, defaults to 0
  • new - optional, for headers=true: name of the column to use as the existing value to serve as key, defaults to 1
  • existingNum - optional, for headers=false: zero indexed column to use for keys
  • newNum - optional, for headers=false: zero indexed column to use for matching values


smart_replace_csv is used as part of the data redaction and replacement workflow.


"type": "smart_replace_csv",
"headers": "false",
"existingNum": "2",
"newNum": "5"

This will identify all values found in column 2 for replacement with the corresponding value in column 5 in all future requests. Column numbers are zero indexed.